The Ezochem's Di-fixer series consists dye fixing agents which are formaldehyde based & formaldehyde free. The Ezochem's di-fixer series is used as an after-treatment in the washing stage of the dyeing process for direct and reactive dyestuffs. Among the many features and benefits offered by the Ezochem's Di-fixer series are Greater Fastness Lower Dye Transferability Increased Chlorine Stability Reduced Bleeding Enhanced UV Stability Effective over a wide pH rangeEasy to handle, non-hazardous, liquid.
Presently conventional coagulants (i.e. salts of Aluminium or Iron) are used to remove turbidity in water. These pose problems of carry over finely divided flocs of aluminum hydroxide or ferric hydroxide into the clarified water and also produce bulky sludge having a high water content. During monsoon season when turbidity suddenly increases, numerous problems are faced in treatment of water with conventional chemicals e.g. Alum and Lime. EZOFIX range of coagulants for industrial raw water treatment consists of 'nontoxic' cationic polymers which replace inorganic coagulants (viz Alum, lime, Ferric salts) and also reduce cost of treatment. Numerous other benefits include -
Fiber Bond Range of flocculants consists of polymers & copolymers of Acrylamide. These are water soluble polyelectrolytes and have very high molecular weights. The range includes Anionic, Nonionic and Cationic polymers in powder, emulsion as well as in solution form. Flocculation is the agglomeration of tiny particles into large units. It therefore, finds application in many different industries and helps in achieving clear supernatant, results in fast settling and increases capacity of clarifiers and clariflocculators apart from noticeable cost reduction.